Cryotherapy in the world of football

Emanuele Mortarotti in
22 January 2021

Let's continue our in-depth coverage on cryotherapy and, in general, all treatments where the benefits of cold are used.

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Let's continue our in-depth coverage on cryotherapy and, in general, all treatments where the benefits of cold are used. Besides cryotherapy, today we will also address cryosauna and cryochamber; in order to do this we will avail ourselves of a very interesting article published on


It started with Cristiano Ronaldo. It seems that it only took a photo of him posted on Instagram a few years ago to 'spark' the cryotherapy craze in all its variations - above all, cryosauna and cryochamber. The photos of the Portuguese champion turned the spotlight on the benefits of cold provided by cryotherapy, and since then, sportsmen and women - especially footballers and tennis players - have started to undergo these rehabilitation treatments.


There are not only ice baths, i.e. those in which you immerse your body in a tub filled with cold water and/or ice. With time, other types of therapy have also been developed. The cryosauna is a cabin where one enters leaving only the head outside; the treatment lasts only a few minutes, and the temperature can reach -180°C. The cryochamber, on the other hand, is a totally enclosed machine where you enter with your whole body and the temperature can reach as low as -140°C.


Dr. Cristiano Fusi, sports physician and head of rehabilitation at the Istituti Clinici Zucchi of Monza, was interviewed in the source article. The doctor goes on to explain how low-temperature therapy works, relying on an immediate vasoconstrictor effect that dissipates as soon as one is back in a normal-temperature environment. The change in temperature allows the blood vessels to reopen.


Dr. Fusi then listed all the benefits of cryotherapy:


  • it speeds up muscle recovery after prolonged exertion;
  • it is an ally against fatigue;
  • it is capable of alleviating inflammation, tendinitis and muscle pain;
  • it can increase muscle tone.


Therefore, it is not a coincidence that the major Italian football clubs have got their own cryo-chambers available to athletes.


The cold benefits are also beneficial to runners, such as marathon runners, who run at very sustained and prolonged levels.


What do you think about cryotherapy? Had you ever heard of it before? Would you like to try it out? Have your say, contact Dispotech.

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