
Rimettersi In Forma Preview Sport
13 January 2025

Getting back into shape after the holidays: some tips for a healthy start

The holidays bring moments of joy and togetherness, often accompanied by abundant meals. With the new year, it is natural to make good resolutions to get back into shape. 

A gradual and balanced approach is essential to becoming active again and improving overall well-being.

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Benefici Del Calore Vapori Viso Steamer Medical line
22 August 2023

The benefits of heat on the face: the action of steam

The action of heat and steam can rejuvenate your skin and make it glow and look
healthy. Read our article and discover how!
The benefits of heat are manifold: did you know that with the action of heat you can
treat your facial skin and the blemishes that form on it?

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Gomito Del Tennista Come Curarlo Benefici Ghiaccio Calore Sport
22 August 2023

Tennis elbow: how to treat it with the benefits of ice and heat

If you think you are suffering from the condition of tennis elbow, consult your doctor: he or she will probably recommend, among other therapies, that you apply cold and hot packs to calm the pain.

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Acqua Sport
08 September 2021

Why is water so important for the body

The importance of constant hydration and the necessary maintenance of water homeostasis in our bodies.

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La Crioterapia Nel Mondo Del Calcio.I9021 Kpp2il W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
22 January 2021

Cryotherapy in the world of football

Let's continue our in-depth coverage on cryotherapy and, in general, all treatments where the benefits of cold are used.

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Come Alleviare I Dolori Al Collo E Alla Schiena.I8881 Kbwl5j W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
23 October 2020

Neck and back pain treatments

Today on Dispotech's blog we are going to talk about back and neck pains which, as we know, affect a lot of people - some sporadically, others chronically.

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Come Alleviare I Dolori Alla Schiena Utilizzando Il Ghiaccio Istantaneo.I8701 K9i1k9z W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
23 July 2020

Back pain and how to treat it with ice packs

On the Dispotech blog today we will be discussing back pain: annoying and at times very painful, it can be alleviated with the benefits of ice.

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Quando Utilizzare Sacchi Caldi O Gelo A Seguito Di Piccoli Infortuni Durante Lo Sport.I8661 Kzlelht W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
17 July 2020

When to use heat and cold therapy?

Welcome back to the Dispotech blog! Supported by an article published on the website, today we will try to shed some light on the issue of when and how to use cold or heat packs after a minor injury, fall, bruising, pulled muscle, etc.

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Consigli Per Fare Sport In Casa Durante Il Coronavirus.I8361 K5kvli W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
16 April 2020

Tips for exercising at home during Coronavirus

During this period of quarantine due to the Coronavirus, there are several activities we can do at home: physical exercise is one of them.

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