
Quanta Importanza Ha Il Tipo Di Ghiaccio Che Usi Per Un Infortunio.I8101 Kiyiha W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
10 February 2020

How important is the type of ice used for an injury?

Today, thanks to an article published on the portal, we talk about ice used after an injury: what is the best type of ice?

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Come Evitare Infortuni Durante Gli Sport Invernali.I7963 K83b7e W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
09 January 2020

Tips for avoiding injuries during winter sports

Today we are going to address a serious subject, which unfortunately we are used to hear often about during the winter: we are talking about injuries

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L Invenzione Della Bomboletta Spray.I6941 Kgs88tb W600 L1 Sport
26 March 2018

The invention of spray can

Today we’ll be speaking about an invention that has undoubtedly changed our lives: have you ever thought about how many aerosol spray cans we have at home and how we used them daily?

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