Medical line

Male Orecchi Otalgia Benefici Caldo Freddo Medical line
22 August 2023

Earache? Ice and heat can help you

How to lessen the pain of an earache? There are methods that can be easily applied at home - amongst them, the benefits of heat and cold.

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Ice Facial Ghiaccio Fa Bene Alla Pelle Medical line
22 August 2023

Ice-water facial: facial skin comes back to life with ice

An ice-water facial treatment can give multiple benefits to facial skin: let’s find out
which ones!
We have often discussed the benefits of ice here on the Dispotech blog. Today we’re
offering you a great idea to give your facial skin tone, beauty and a healthy look: start
your day with an ice-water facial!

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Benefici Del Calore Vapori Viso Steamer Medical line
22 August 2023

The benefits of heat on the face: the action of steam

The action of heat and steam can rejuvenate your skin and make it glow and look
healthy. Read our article and discover how!
The benefits of heat are manifold: did you know that with the action of heat you can
treat your facial skin and the blemishes that form on it?

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Sciatica Cura Benefici Del Calore Medical line
22 August 2023

Sciatica, how to cure it with heat therapy

How can heat help sciatica sufferers feel better? Let’s find out together in this article.

Today on the Dispotech blog we are discussing sciatica, a very common health problem that makes it very difficult not only to be mobile on a daily basis, but to live serenely throughout the day.


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Skincare Consigli Caldo Freddo Ti Aiutano Medical line
22 August 2023

Skincare: heat and cold can help you

The beneficial actions that ice and heat can have on skin problems are diverse and varied: we’ll find out more in this week's article.

Benefits of heat and cold for the skin: what does your skin need? Depending on the need, it may require the intervention of both.

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Sangue Dal Naso Ghiaccio Può Aiutare Medical line
22 August 2023

Nosebleed: ice can help stop it

Did you know that the beneficial action of ice can stop a nosebleed? In this article, we will help you understand how.

Welcome back to the Dispotech blog!

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Gomito Del Tennista Come Curarlo Benefici Ghiaccio Calore Sport
22 August 2023

Tennis elbow: how to treat it with the benefits of ice and heat

If you think you are suffering from the condition of tennis elbow, consult your doctor: he or she will probably recommend, among other therapies, that you apply cold and hot packs to calm the pain.

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Infortunio Al Piede Ghiaccio O Calore Per Stare Meglio Medical line
22 August 2023

Foot injury? Find out whether to use ice or heat to get better

Have you hurt your foot and don't know how to treat your injury? In this edition of the Dispotech blog, we’ll show you how to get better using the benefits of heat and cold.


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Ghiaccio Istantaneo.I9541 Kh8ukc W600 L1 N1 (1) Medical line
12 April 2023

When to use ice in First Aid

Using heat or ice to treat a minor injury or to relieve pain is effective and decisive. Here are some guidelines for choosing hot or cold compresses safely.

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