Gelpacks for shoulder pain
What should you use when you have shoulder pain? The benefits of heat or cold?
How can a gelpack help if you are suffering from arthritis, tendinitis, or joint hypermobility?
What should you use when you have shoulder pain? The benefits of heat or cold?
How can a gelpack help if you are suffering from arthritis, tendinitis, or joint hypermobility?
Welcome back to the Dispotech blog! Today we will be discussing masks and we’ll delineate a definitive difference between FFP2s and N95s, the two types of masks that are definitely the most well-known and commonly w
The first chills, the one heralding the arrival of winter, are setting in and in this article we want to give you some practical advice to prevent annoying injuries that can cause you pain - or worse, keep you housebound to fully recover.
Today's Dispotech blog article is about an unfortunate nuisance common to many people: neck pain. One of the cheapest but also effective remedies is to apply ice to the painful area - possibly combined with targeted exercises for muscle relaxation.
the proposal of the UK and more specifically of the NHS (the country's national health system) to use recyclable PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to reduce pollution.
As with every year, summer makes its presence known with increasingly higher temperatures, mugginess and heat spikes. It is vital to pay attention to the impact that sun exposure without taking the necessary precautions can cause. In this article, supported by a piece on the site of, we offer some advice for enjoying your summer in peace and safety.
What was it like exhibiting at a major international event after this long stop? Read the article.
Today on the Dispotech blog, we are looking into gel packs, their use (both cold and hot), and how they can help us handle acute pain by bringing us relief.
Today we are going to talk about the gel pack and its double use: cold, as well as hot! Yes, because a gel pack can be a useful ally not only when kept in the freezer, but also if heated.