Disposable Ice Packs: types and benefits

disposable ice packs

In the past few years, the healthcare sector has evolved, finding new ways to ensure patients’ maximum comfort while maintaining its focus on efficiency


Hospitals and dental clinics are requiring more hygienic and safe solutions. Among these, disposable ice packs play a central role in transforming the general approach to pain management and injury treatment.


Disposable ice packs are intuitive and do not require particular medical knowledge to be applied. This is the reason why they can be also sold even in the mass retail industry


On this page, we will discuss: 



Types of disposable ice packs


Disposable ice packs are renowned medical devices even in non-medical fields. They are widely used to provide an effective response to a broad range of traumas and chronic pain conditions. 


Every disposable ice pack has a series of ingredients that, before using it, are often separated. Freezing happens when these components react endothermically, generating instant cold. The cryotherapy at the core of these devices is immediate and this is one of the reasons why this is one of the best, and most versatile solutions


As they are disposable, once used they can be discarded safely. Therefore, it is possible to avoid cross-contamination in protected environments such as hospitals or dental clinics.


There are many different types of ice packsavailable on the market depending on the field of use, and the specific part or injury that needs to be treated. 


  • Instant ice packs are disposable bags that use chemical reactors such as ammonium nitrate, and water. These components should be pressed and mixed in order to freeze.
  • Reusable ice packs are plastic bags filled with gel that can be cooled down or heated based on the specific case. These packs also contain water, a thickening agent, a freezing agent, silica gel and a non-toxic blue dye. 
  • Reusable ice cubes is another form of instant ice bag. They are made of distilled water and gel spheres of sodium polyacrylate. 


If these bags are ingested or eye contact happens, it is imperative to contact a doctor or to go to the hospital.


The benefits of disposable ice packs


Nowadays, disposable ice pack technology has evolved, developing in order to guarantee: 


  • high hygienic standards and safety: in fact, ice packs can be used only once, and then should be disposed of. As a result, cross-contamination can be significantly reduced, ensuring both to professionals in the healthcare industry and patients the utmost safety.
  • immediate pain relief: disposable ice packs do not require pre-freezing, and whenever you need them, they are ready.
  • savings: ice bags allow you to save time and money. They are a single-use device that do not require any further cleaning or maintenance action. 
  • versatility: being suitable for a broad range of applications in the medical field, but also in treating sports’ injuries and dental post-procedures. 


When to apply ice packs


How to use disposable ice packs in a proper way, and when you can make the most out of them?


  • Firstly, you should apply a certain pressure at the centre of the bag to mix all the ingredients and activate instant cooling. 
  • The temperature of the pack will settle around -4°C in a few seconds.
  • Before placing the disposable bag directly in contact with the area that needs to be treated, make sure that this part is accurately disinfected
  • Use the ice bag only for 15 minutes in order to avoid the consequences of a prolonged exposure to extreme cold. 


Dispotech’s instant Easy Ice packs


disposable ice packs easy ice


We have been talking about the benefits and applications of disposable ice packs. But how to choose the right ice bag in line with your needs?


Dispotech had the answer to that question: Easy Ice, an innovative product which is both reliable and flawless quality-wise.


This is a medical Class IIa device that carries a groundbreaking patented formula. Its design allows professionals to treat many different types, enhancing its versatility and ensuring consistency in providing the right level of cold to the patient.


Another feature of Easy Ice is customisation. You can decide to change the graphics of your bag by putting a logo on it. 


Discover Dispotech Easy Ice