Nosebleed: ice can help stop it

Emanuele Mortarotti in
22 August 2023

Did you know that the beneficial action of ice can stop a nosebleed? In this article, we will help you understand how.

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Sangue Dal Naso Ghiaccio Può Aiutare

Today we will give you some useful information and tips to keep in mind for a very common problem: nosebleeds.


Did you know that thanks to an ice pack (and, in general, the beneficial action of ice) you can stop a nosebleed?


In this article we will explain how to stop nosebleeds using ice. We have used an article published on to support our blogpost.

Nosebleeds: preliminary explanations


A nosebleed can be a very annoying event that may frighten those suffering from it. While in most cases it is nothing serious and does not need to be examined, it is certainly a discomforting event.

Epistaxis, i.e., the discharge of blood from the nose, can originate either from the front or the back part of the nose.


Anterior epistaxis comes from the septum, the “partition” separating the two nostrils. The septum houses a large number of blood vessels, which are delicate to the point of rupturing even after being unintentionally scratched with a fingernail. Anterior epistaxis is the source of the majority of nosebleeds.


Posterior epistaxis, on the other hand, is a rarer occurrence that begins in a deeper place in the nose. It happens most often to the elderly, those suffering from high blood pressure or those who have had a facial injury.


It is hard to say whether one suffers from an anterior or posterior epistaxis, but it is undoubtedly easy to confirm that posterior epistaxes are more serious and require further medical attention.


The causes of nosebleeds

The following are the most common causes of nosebleeds:


  • Particularly dry climate, dry and warm air entering the nostrils;


  • excessive rubbing of the nose;


  • respiratory tract infection (e.g., a severe cold);


  • repeatedly blowing the nose;


  • an injury, an accident or a foreign object in the nostril;


  • deviated nasal septum;


  • allergies or medicines that dry the nostrils (antihistamines or decongestants);


  • certain blood thinners;


  • taking aspirin regularly;


  • use of nasal sprays;


  • a sinus infection;


  • chemicals that irritate the airways, such as ammonium;


  • pregnancy;


  • alcohol consumption.

Stopping a nosebleed with an ice pack


When a nosebleed starts, the first reaction is to lose control and to panic. It is certainly not a pleasant feeling!


How to act to stop a nosebleed? First of all, try to remain calm and relaxed, because agitating oneself can cause the bleeding to worsen.


Sit in a composed manner, leaning slightly forward. Don't make the mistake of holding your head backwards: that way you could run the risk of swallowing blood. Use a soft, clean cloth to remove the blood from your nose, being careful not to blow it to prevent it from bleeding even more.


At this point, take an ice pack or gel pack you have frozen previously and place it gently on the bridge of your nose. The ice will cause the blood vessels to constrict and will lessen the blood flow until it stops completely.


With your fingers, gently pinch the nostrils and hold this position for 5 to 10 minutes. This will help stop the bleeding.


If the nosebleed lasts for more than 20 minutes or is particularly profuse, go to the emergency room immediately.

If you suffer from frequent episodes of nosebleeds, have a thorough medical check-up to find out the cause and, if necessary, start the treatment most suited to your needs.


Ice can really make a difference in stopping nosebleeds. Remember to stay calm and follow all the steps described in this article.




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