
The Blog by Dispotech. On this page you can find news, updates, curiosities about the world of disposable products for the medical, dental, mass retail and sport sectors. Many posts are also dedicated to brief guides and how-tos to optimise the job with disposable products and gain the best results in every field. In addition, we will update you about the events attended by Dispotech and the launch of new products. Follow us on this page to keep always in touch with Dispotech's world!

E Possibile Dimagrire Grazie Al Ghiaccio.I8121 Kke8dge W922 H401 F1 L1
21 February 2020

Is it possible to lose weight by using ice?

Today we will try to answer an interesting question that, for sure, will capture the attention of many readers: is it really possible to lose weight using the benefits of ice?

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Quanto Puo Essere Pericoloso Utilizzare Un Gel Mani Fatto In Casa.I8441 K9gos9a W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
15 February 2020

How dangerous is it to use homemade hand gel?

Today on the Dispotech blog we will deal with a very serious topic: what are the dangers of do-it-yourself hand sanitizing gel, which is widely used today?

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Quanta Importanza Ha Il Tipo Di Ghiaccio Che Usi Per Un Infortunio.I8101 Kiyiha W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
10 February 2020

How important is the type of ice used for an injury?

Today, thanks to an article published on the portal, we talk about ice used after an injury: what is the best type of ice?

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Dispotech Partecipa A Arab Health 2020.I8024 Kkcrei8 W922 H401 F1 L1 News
29 January 2020

Dispotech at AEEDC 2020 with Perfecto

Dispotech will be taking part with its Perfecto-Dispotech Dental Excellence

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Cosa Puo Fare Un Semplice Sacco Gelo Dopo Un Operazione Chirurgica.I8061 Kb1db0l W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
24 January 2020

What can a simple ice pack do after surgery?

Today we’re going to talk about a very helpful ice pack use: did you know that it can give relief even after surgery?

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Come Puo Il Ghiaccio Ridurre Il Dolore Ai Nervi.I8041 Krjwhtc W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
17 January 2020

How nerve pain is reduced by ice

Today we are talking about a very common discomfort and how it can be alleviated with the help of ice: it is related to pinched nerves

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Dispotech Partecipa A Arab Health 2020.I8024 Kkcrei8 W922 H401 F1 L1 News
15 January 2020

Dispotech at ARAB HEALTH 2020

From January 27th to January 30th Dispotech, Your Disposable Excellence, will be in Dubai for the ARAB HEALTH Exhibition & Congress 2020

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Come Evitare Infortuni Durante Gli Sport Invernali.I7963 K83b7e W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
09 January 2020

Tips for avoiding injuries during winter sports

Today we are going to address a serious subject, which unfortunately we are used to hear often about during the winter: we are talking about injuries

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Bruciature Da Ghiaccio.I7600 Kspxowx W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
23 August 2019

Ice burns

First of all, how do you recognize a burn caused by ice? Its appearance is very similar to that caused by a heat source

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