
The Blog by Dispotech. On this page you can find news, updates, curiosities about the world of disposable products for the medical, dental, mass retail and sport sectors. Many posts are also dedicated to brief guides and how-tos to optimise the job with disposable products and gain the best results in every field. In addition, we will update you about the events attended by Dispotech and the launch of new products. Follow us on this page to keep always in touch with Dispotech's world!

Buon Natale Da Dispotech Chiusi Dal 24 Dicembre Al 6 Gennaio.I8941 Kqmcpe W922 H401 F1 L1 News
09 December 2020

Season greetings from Dispotech! Closed from 24th December till 6th January

we wish you the best holiday for you and your family and friends. We will be back from 7th of January 2021.

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Mascherine Type Iir Cosa Sono E Perche Dovremmo Usarle.I8901 Kf6gpck W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
05 November 2020

Type IIR masks: why should we use them?

This week we are going to talk about the IIR type masks and why it is necessary to use them, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)

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Come Alleviare I Dolori Al Collo E Alla Schiena.I8881 Kbwl5j W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
23 October 2020

Neck and back pain treatments

Today on Dispotech's blog we are going to talk about back and neck pains which, as we know, affect a lot of people - some sporadically, others chronically.

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L Ansia Durante La Pandemia Un Problema.I8861 Kbr6uwv W922 H401 F1 L1 News
16 October 2020

Anxiety during the pandemic: a problem

we address a serious topic related to the pandemic caused by Covid-19: the exponential (and worrying) increase of anxiety.

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Come Utilizzare Il Ghiaccio Istantaneo.I8841 K4ieuvf W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
01 October 2020

How to use instant ice pack

Does ice therapy actually reduce tissue damage, swelling and post-injury pain? How useful is cryotherapy for the treatment of acute injuries and how long should it be used for?

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I Cinque Benefici Della Crioterapia.I8821 Kgtxdtr W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
22 September 2020

5 benefits of cryotherapy

This week we will delve deeper into the topic of cryotherapy, listing the most significant benefits that one or more cold treatment sessions can bring to the body.

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Crioterapia Quali Sono I Benefici Del Freddo.I8801 Ksbeest W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
11 September 2020

Cryotherapy: which are cold benefits?

Today we will be talking about cryotherapy, a therapy which uses the benefits of using cold to help our body in many (and at times surprising) ways.

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Come Evolvera Il Mercato Dei Camici Chirurgici.I8781 Kqv52ni W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
04 September 2020

How much will the market for surgical gowns change?

We will be talking about the upcoming boom in the surgical gown production market

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Quali Sono Le Caratteristiche Di Un Camice Di Categoria Iii.I8761 Kmstqez W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
28 August 2020

What are the characteristics of a category III surgical gown

This week we will outline the main features of surgical gowns falling under PPE (personal protective equipment) category 3

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